
what do you think about art?

Let me check on google then take opinions from various sources

1.source wikipedia:
Art is in the beginning process of human beings, and therefore it is a synonym of science.

Frida Kahlo (1907 - 1954): Art like morality,consists of drawing the line somewhere.
 "Art is either plagiarism or revolution."
Paul Gauguin, painter
  • 1 [mass noun] the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power:the art of the Renaissance great art is concerned with moral imperfections she studied art in Paris
  • works produced by human creative skill and imagination:his collection of modern art [as modifier]:an art critic
  • creative activity resulting in the production of paintings, drawings, or sculpture:she’s good at art
  • 2 (the arts) the various branches of creative activity, such as painting, music, literature, and dance:the visual arts [in singular]:the art of photography
  • 3 (arts) subjects of study primarily concerned with human creativity and social life, such as languages, literature, and history (as contrasted with scientific or technical subjects):the belief that the arts and sciences were incompatible the Faculty of Arts
  skill at doing a specified thing, typically one acquired through practice:the art of conversation

5. source:
Art is a diverse range of human activities and the products of those activities; this article focuses primarily on the visual arts, which includes the creation of images or objects in fields including painting, sculpture, printmaking, photography, and other visual media

"Art is a lie that makes us realize truth, at least the truth that is given us to understand."
Pablo Picasso

7. source: 
"Art is the Queen of all sciences communicating knowledge to all the generations of the world."
Leonardo da Vinci

"Art is what you can get away with."
Andy Warhol

Art does not reproduce what is visible; it makes things visible."
Paul Klee, artist 

In my opinion: An expertise in creating work that is done by either human visual works, audio and audio-visual equipment.

Saya suka sabun ini yang membuat saya segar dan tidak membuat gatal .......

memungkinkan ulasan:


hmmm oke

  manfaat produk ini:

melindungi dengan formula aktif melindungi bentuk kuman, coolness menthol obat dan meningkatkan energi. Hygenic setiap hari.

ketika saya menggunakan produk ini.  banyak busa dan terasa dingin seperti es  dan mengurangi gatal di punggung saya.


mengurangi gatal kulit saya

tidak meninggalkan gatal


banyak busa

tidak suka

saya pikir tidak ada alasan saya benci produk ini.


mmmm cukup mahal 

point 5/5

today I want to review about hair conditioner from natur including olive oil plus aloe Vera. Benefit this product is: give nutrition for your hair, smooth your hair , help growth or hair more healthy and help problem dry skin. with hyacinth flower for fragrance.
this month I bought shampoo and get  bonus conditioner 50 ml from nature.
I like the scent and texture of the product is like a lotion but absorb on hair is good. makes my hair smooth but my hair still hard to comb or Sundanesse said jeumbeut
product made in indonesia by pt gondowangi

manfaat produk ini adalah:

-memberikan relaksasi dan kesegaran

-melindungi kulit dari freeradical

-melindungi kulit kehalusan

-membuat kulit terlihat cerah dan dipelihara

-angkat kotoran dan sel kulit mati.

ditingkatkan dengan formulasi cepat kering.

aroma seperti sabun, m dan tekstur creamy. ketika saya menggosok tubuh saya tidak membuat  tubuh saya sakit dan krim cepat kering sehingga tubuh saya tidak merasa berminyak setelah menggunakan produk ini. kemudian ketika saya bilas air terasa segar, sebelum saya menggunakan produk ini saya merasa suasana begitu buruk setelah menggunakan produk ini meningkatkan suasana hati saya dan kulit saya terasa halus.

bahan 2x produk ini

date off expired is 3/16 is mean  for 3 years. product made in indonesia manufacture PT unza vitalis. Price 12.500 rupiah
tanggal kedaluwarsa off adalah 3/16 adalah berarti selama 3 tahun. produk yang dibuat di Indonesia memproduksi PT unza Vitalis. Harga 12.500 rupiah

beli lagi? mmmm mau coba varian lain 

today I will write a shower gel review from Christina Aquilera, which was made in Europe. Gifts from my full cousin to Isma. she has asked me to choose, do you want a shower gel or body lotion? I choose, shower gel.

Christina Aquilerra, she is my favorite singer and now she makes perfume-gel-lotions.

I am very fortunate to get one and the prize. from the packaging, my friend Martin who she thought was like the face wash product that I felt was very different.

 once i tried to predict. the aroma is very fragrant, it turns out that the foam is abundant and after I use this product my skin is oily . she bought this product not one package, but she bought a gift package

if you want to know about this product you might have to buy it on this website or ebay.

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