eco beauty-smoothing eye cream oriflame

hi girl and woman.
Now I want to review Eye Cream from Beauty Eco Oriflame.Eco Beauty which means ingredient for testing animals, no animals, has been certified to protect the marine environment.
benefits of this product:
after four weeks
1. the eye space feels re-energized-81%
2. reduce fine lines on the eyes
3. Nourish the eye area
4. reduce signs of fatigue - 82%
Recommendations for use: Apply morning 0 and night after cleaning.
I have used this product and the result is a wrinkle under my eyes that is disguised, my dark eyes are reduced.
I like sweet aroma.
I have a recommendation

product created in poland:)

point 3,5

repurchase? sorry no i believe cause lil bit exhausting to search out Pine Tree State should to be consultan beauty oriflame or search consultan beauty.

review olay total effect anti ageing and fairness cream

7 signs of ageing
1. fine line and wrinkle.
2. uneven skin color
3. Black spot
4. uneven skin texture
5. dry skin
6. dull skin
7. big pores.
the problem skin if you have signs of ageing I think this product its match for you, it makes you help fight 7 signs of ageing.

MY Opinion:
Different with other product olay this product mix formula cream anti ageing plus whitening serum.
More creamy its match for my type skin is dry but 4 start day I used only I felt itch its okay my skin, is itchy if used whitening cream only 4 days without iritation its mean match only adaptation with my skin.
after use this cream my skin my skin more firm and flawless. I feel my skin  decreased one years or maybe 5 years.

review rejoice 3 in 1 anti dandruff

dalam review ini saya ingin memakai bahasa indonesia capek ngomong english mulu ah, iya karena bulan ini adalah pengiritan jadi beli semua -muanya dengan harga paling rendah kebetulan ketemu shampoonya rejoice 3 in 1 anti dandruff.
aku baca di belakang botolnya produk ini ada kandungan crembath essence plus manfaat melawan ketombe dan mentol.dan kebetulan shampoonya ukuran kecil mungkin dirambutku ini cukup  buat 2 minggu . pas pake ini shampoo rambut aku seger ya lah ada mentolnya lumayan lembut berhubung bulan ini males nyisir tetep jempet *apapun shampoo dan kondi kalau kita ga rajin nyisir bakal jembet. cocok dikulit kepala itu yang penting dan harganya terjangkau.


harganya murah
mentholnya bikin adem kulit kepala
bikin rambut lembut*walau cuma sehari
praktis 3in 1

tidak suka:

agak rontok

beli lagi? ya

point 3.9  dari 5

review:peeling mundisari mustika ratu

saya membeli produk ini karena mendapat DISCON toko 13,500-9750 di hypermart saya ingin mereview produk ini.

manfaat produk ini adalah: membantu membersihkan dan mengelupaskan sel-sel kulit mati. saya membeli 60 ml.

mengandung Muraya eksotika ekstrak daun dan curcuma heyneana bubuk membuat kulitmu, melembutkan dan membantu pengelupasan sel-sel kulit mati dan kotoran dari kulit.

biarkan aku memeriksa ingredient.use curcuma heyneana akar ekstrak trietanolamin dan penggunaan ekstrak daun Murraya exotica.

produk yang memiliki dua varian bubuk dan tabung. saya membeli tabung karena jika menggunakan bubuk add air mawar jadi saya memilih tabung. saudara saya benci aroma ini dia bilang aroma seperti rumah sakit mee terlalu saya pikir aneh. Bite lil bit lebih besar meninggalkan lembut di wajah saya, membuat peningkatan pada kulit saya halus dan kulit terlihat berseri alami. untuk hasil terbaik gunakan secara teratur dua kali seminggu.

review : vital ear oil

sebenarnya telingaku sering merasa  sakit kadang-kadang pendengaran saya menjadi buruk, ketika saya  sma biasanya pergi ke dokter telinga diperiksa telinga masalah saya karena saya sering mendengarkan lagu dengan earphone sangat kencang dan jarang membersihkan telingaku sampai kotoran saya menjadi keras. sampai sekarang telinga saya sering  sakit. saya pernah pengobatan telinga lilin telinga tapi hanya efek sebentar.

tiga minggu lalu telingaku sangat sakit.jadi saya pergi ke hypermarket kemudian melihat earoil saya penasaran kemudian saya membelinya.

saya mencoba produk ini lumayan bekerja meningkatkan pendengaran saya dan mengurangi bau

saya menggunakan ini jika telinga saya terasa sakit. harga terjangkau hanya 13.500 rupiah. :)

review:active soap

 me bought this product because cheap only 1730 rupiah.seems like another antibacterial soap benefit is kill germ , protect health and  keeps clean all day long with fragnance lavender which mosqouito hate this smeel so u protect from mosquito bite. this product available in arabic packaging me check to oficial website manufacture bkp.
me tried this product smell is lil bit smooth, first time  tried my skin add itch me continue used this soap and day by day my skin less itch but still itch maybe its not match with my skin maybe i must stop use this product.


not match on my skin

review: marina natural avocado & olive

ceritanya lagi menghemat uang jadi pilih handbody yang paling murah di container , marina handbody natural avocado &olive.

dengan mengandung bahan alpukat dan minyak zaitun, pas lihat ingredient ternyata yang diambil dari alpukat yaitu persea gratissima atau avocado oil(minyak alpukat).manfaat dari alpukat yaitu melembabkan kulit kering.

tekstur lotion ini menurut aku agak sedikit creamy wangi nya lumayan enak tapi agak berminyak setelah dipakai dan membutuhkan waktu beberapa menit untuk meresap dikulitku,    setelah memakainya lumayan lah melembabkan.dan yang paling aku suka dari produk ini adalah harganya yang terjangkau tetapi yang paling disayangkan adalah setelah memakai ini minggu pertama tidak terasa gatal tapi hari ke hari sesudah memakai ini jadi gatel aneh kan jadi ini hand body jarang dipakai -_-

review :perfume without alcohol silver stone

parfum tanpa alkohol dalam parfum yang biasanya digunakan setengah Muslim di Indonesia. Jujur saya sedikit agak bingung masalah penggunaan alkohol namun saya tidak akan membahas tentang masalah tersebut saya hanya membahas tentang parfum merek silver.

  Saya membeli produk ini di toko anything 2 riyals.sewaktu saya pergi umrah
 wanginya lembut tapi lebih ke aroma maskulin . tentang kemasannya sendiri saya kurang menyukainya terlalu sederhana.
yang ku tidak suka dari produk ini adalah aromanya cepat menghilang benda ini dapat dibeli di pasar baru.

artwork's by sarah

i ask her to made picture like piet mondrian but she created with her own color.
last design once she was fifth grade she choosen created grape.

are u curious? whose created all design  her name is sarah afifah .

september haul

1.olay  anti aging and fairness  price:59.000rp
2.tumeric powder; 6950rp
3.marina hand and body lotion avocado :3850rp
1.rejoice 3 in 1 menthol;5850
2.vital ear oil:13850
3.peeling mundisari mustika ratu:9850 diskon store real price 13.500
4.lightening facial wash-12.500

chocodot-chilli chocolate

 last month my senior teh meti gave me chocolate from garut  chocodot flavor chilli, packages is cute from woven. its match for sensitive teeth me tried and not left pain on my teeth.
 inside  . here they are.
me tried and taste  chocolate okay and lil bit spicy i  felt sprinkles off chilli.

ingredient chocolate.
chocodot is brand chocolate from garut, indonesia beside chilli flavor they released chocolate with dodol garut  and much flavor. u can find it all outlet chocodot.

-packaging cute
- cheap price
-local product
mmmmmmmmmmmm nothing

sketch of september

i made this last month, me used pensil color and lil bit crayon.
- flower not only one colour but its 5 colours cloves.

girls with purple hairs.
 girl with green eyes and brown hairs

the meaning of art

what do you think about art?

Let me check on google then take opinions from various sources

1.source wikipedia:
Art is in the beginning process of human beings, and therefore it is a synonym of science.

Frida Kahlo (1907 - 1954): Art like morality,consists of drawing the line somewhere.
 "Art is either plagiarism or revolution."
Paul Gauguin, painter
  • 1 [mass noun] the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power:the art of the Renaissance great art is concerned with moral imperfections she studied art in Paris
  • works produced by human creative skill and imagination:his collection of modern art [as modifier]:an art critic
  • creative activity resulting in the production of paintings, drawings, or sculpture:she’s good at art
  • 2 (the arts) the various branches of creative activity, such as painting, music, literature, and dance:the visual arts [in singular]:the art of photography
  • 3 (arts) subjects of study primarily concerned with human creativity and social life, such as languages, literature, and history (as contrasted with scientific or technical subjects):the belief that the arts and sciences were incompatible the Faculty of Arts
  skill at doing a specified thing, typically one acquired through practice:the art of conversation

5. source:
Art is a diverse range of human activities and the products of those activities; this article focuses primarily on the visual arts, which includes the creation of images or objects in fields including painting, sculpture, printmaking, photography, and other visual media

"Art is a lie that makes us realize truth, at least the truth that is given us to understand."
Pablo Picasso

7. source: 
"Art is the Queen of all sciences communicating knowledge to all the generations of the world."
Leonardo da Vinci

"Art is what you can get away with."
Andy Warhol

Art does not reproduce what is visible; it makes things visible."
Paul Klee, artist 

In my opinion: An expertise in creating work that is done by either human visual works, audio and audio-visual equipment.