review:body wash dettol cool
Saya suka sabun ini yang membuat saya segar dan tidak membuat gatal ....... memungkinkan ulasan: kemasan ? hmmm oke manfaat...
review: natur conditioner-olive oil & aloe vera
today I want to review about hair conditioner from natur including olive oil plus aloe Vera. Benefit this product is: give nutriti...
review sumberayu bodyscrub-bengkuang
manfaat produk ini adalah : - memberikan relaksasi dan kesegaran - melindungi kulit dari freeradical - melindungi kulit kehalusa...
review:christina aquilera-secret potion shower gel
today I will write a shower gel review from Christina Aquilera, which was made in Europe. Gifts from my full cousin to Isma. she has...
wardah matte lipstick no 4
Beside produced skincare , brand wardah making makeup to, today i review lipstick matte wardah no 4 orange. -This product the ...
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